Gympie Hosting for Wordpress Hosting in Gympie.

Premium WP Hosting

What is Premium WordPress Hosting?

At Gympie Websites, premium Worpdress hosting includes a client care plan for your WordPress website.  This includes:

  • Hosting account setup
  • Secure WordPress installation (best practice manual installs for enhanced security)
  • Client Care Plan – ongoing care and site maintenance keeping Worpdress core and plugins up to date and reguilar Worpdress backups.

Our Premium Worpdress hosting plan is:

Gympie Hosting CPanel Premium Hosting Plan for WordPress

US Premium WP AU$34 Mth[wp_eStore_subscribe:product_id:8:end]
We also offer disounted subscriptions for annual Payment – signup to get 2 months free
US WP AU$340 Yr[wp_eStore_subscribe:product_id:11:end]

(All plans include Australian GST in prices)

We also have an option for new WordPress websites being setup on the premium hosting plan – we will install and optimise a secure version of Worpdress with the Genesis Framework and your selected child theme from Studiopress, undertake basic configuration of the child theme, and install the most useful of our premium plugins (where we hold licences for client site development) to get your site running as quickly as possible.

(Note: basic configuration includes setting up the site as it is displayed on the Studiopress Demo site and adding your digital logo if suppied.

This option is available for new hosting clients requiring setup of a new WordPress site and for clients requiring the installation of a new theme and developer plugins.  We believe it is exceptional value as a once only payment of only $195

We can also quote on full Studiopress Genesis customisation if you need an experienced Studiopress developer.

After you have completed your subscription payment at Paypal, you will receive an email and a Paypal Transaction ID.  Paypal should return you to our Thank You page.  Please complete the Hosting Sign Up Form on that page with your details to enable us to complte the setup of your new hosting account.

On receipt of your details and domain name, we will manually setup the server and create your hosting account and install a temporary home page for you to get things running.  You will be responsible for maintenace of your website, creation and management of your email account.  The perfect hosting account for the small hobbyist if you know what you are doing with CPanel or you have the time to learn (we will be adding CPanel tutorials to the soon).

We still provide our invoice service for local businesses. Businesses are welcome to contact us to request a hosting account and we will forward an old fashioned Tax Invoice for payment by EFT or cheque.

We can also accept cryptocurrencies payments at the following addresses:




Due to the voilatility of these currencies, please contact us for current conversion rates before making a crypto payment.

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